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Emma Edwards

BA(Hons)Fine Art

BA(Hons)Art History

Foundation Diploma: Art & Design



I am a traditional artist who works on personal pieces as well as commissions. History provides a stable terrain on which to build inspiration.  For me history is a deep well from which to draw information and inspiration and is a solid grounding in visual and art history that results in an overflowing of ideas and creativity. A dedicated interest and a certain intimacy with history naturally leads me to the desire to find that same gravity in my own creations. I see in everything, compositions, translucencies, light, shadow, things sharp and things hazy, yet always things that can make pictures.  


The main sources of my inspiration come from history, literature, myths and legends and poetry, as well as art from medieval period right through to the Pre-Raphaelites, which are my greatest source of inspiration.


I Graduated from Liverpool John Moores University Wirral Metropolitan College Compus in 2010 , where I was introduced to new materials and art methods and processes possessed by the diverse skills of my tutors. There, I was encouraged to find my own individual style and to embrace it; but taught also, not to be afraid of experimenting or diverting from my normal choice of materials and theme.


While most of my work is done with oils, I do experiment with pen & ink, acrylic, pencils and watercolour and with various grounds including wood, textile and card.  

My art work is created using oil on hardboard a technique developed after studying old masters methods and mediums of working, to produce highly detailed images .  I specialise in portraiture, both human and animal.

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